Sonic.exe Nightmare Version Wiki

Mobians are creatures in various Sonic the Hedgehog continuities for which the main setting is the planet Mobius. The precise definition of "Mobian" varies by continuity, sometimes being a general term for residents of Mobius and sometimes referring specifically to the various species of anthropomorphic animals that are the main residents of Mobius, thus being used in comparison to other species, such as Humans.

Mobians are sapient, being capable of speech and generally (but not universally) bipedal and anthropomorphic. Even those based on animals typically have human-like hands with five fingers. Some may also have toes, although that is less common since, for instance, Mobians who are based on anthropomorphic ungulates (such as horses and pigs) have hooves for feet. Many of them, regardless of the diet of their base animals, are now mostly omnivorous, but they can also be vegetarian, pescetarian or vegan.

Any base animal, from the ancient diatryma, eohippus, kubanochoerus, triceratops, protoceratops, sabertoothed cat and mesohippus to the modern rabbit, chipmunk, cat, skunk, horse and hedgehog can become Mobians.
