Sonic.exe Nightmare Version Wiki

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Desert City is one of the levels in Part 2 of Sally.exe Continued Nightmare: Eye of Three. The only playable character in this area is Cream, after escaping from Exetior in the end of Part 1. The only living residents of this city are Merely and Jennifer, due to an incident that wiped everyone but them out.


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It is a place in Pervision's dimension that Cream arrives at. She is eventually spotted by Merely and hunted down by her, until she finds Jennifer, who, due to being Merely's friend, stops Cream from being killed.

In this place, Cream can find a blue emerald, which will be important in Negagen Temple. Cream can fight Brally, if she chooses to help Merely when she is cornered. After leaving, she appears in Negagen Temple.

